Ive been creating some Valentine lovelies the last day or two, in between the usual daily duties. I don't usually do much in the way of creating right after Christmas but this will be our first February in our place in the Monticello so i thought I'd get going on a few ideas. We are also doing a slight remodel in our kitchen,changing some cupboards around and painting. The idea is to make my space more functional .This of course will include more organizing, sorting and parting with "stuff".I have to keep on the roll while I'm
Kathy, you are so talented!! You valentine goodies are just lovely!!
what an amazing artist you are and I am so blessed to know you. great inspiration for Valentines Day and such beautiful lovelies. have a great day ! jill
Hi Kathy , It was good to see you at Monticello . Your space looks great! I have 2 awards for you - Come over to my blog when you get a chance. Sue
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