We are bringing in lots of new items at the Coburg location. Things are selling and we are frequently changing the displays. How about some fun old lockers, or a neat old ringer to display in the laundry room. Come by and check out the new items.
Today we celebrated Fathers day with a barbeque in our backyard with lots of family. It was a lovely sunny afternoon and there is nothing I like better than being with Family. I sat there thinking what a blessing my Dad has been all these years ,always there for me and always upbeat and positive no matter what life brings. He knows how to enjoy life but also knows what is important in this life. He has enriched all of our lives that have been fortunate enough to be related to him.
A pan of metal advertizement labels A wonderful garden table with great lines A variety of old chairs and rockers, several not shown We have been frantically working on getting a house on the market to sell . We have been painting, fixing ,cleaning and giving the yard a makeover. All this to say, we were in need of a diversion this morning so got up early and headed to a couple of country sales. Here are a few pictures of our finds
We are continually filling the new space we have in Coburg. It is a charming town full of antiques. Our booth at the Antique Mall is full of what we consider Urban Farm Style. That would be comfortable,usable and decorative ,one of a kind items.There are many Garden items perfect for patio decorating. If you are in the area please stop by.
A wonderful old Gate from Poland a group picture of some of our goods even Playmobils lots of room for bartering
Yesterday was an incredibly fun and productive day. Here in Eugene there is an area that has a huge community sale. There are a couple hundred homes that take part in this sale. It has become so popular that there huge amounts of people that come from all over to shop these sales. We live close so go and walk miles browsing through the sales. We scored at several sales finding a variety of treasures. We also found a stack of great jeans for the Mr. , a camera for daughter Emma and a awesome new fridge.
All this rain has provided me lots of time to sew and gather. Gather up treasures that is. I am continuing to fill the new space in Coburg. This is such a sweet little town and I so much enjoy just going out there. Remember to pull off the freeway if you are in the area, you wont regret,there are many lovely antique stores.